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Armadillo Gear Hard Case - Green and Black
Model 5032-5
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MSRP: $14.95

[+] Overview

Calculated Industries 5032-5 Armadillo Gear Hard Protective Case in Lime Green

Protect your calculator with this rugged case. The rubber case envelops the calculator helping protect it from shock and drops. The hard-plastic cover protects the keys from damage and dirt when not in use and swings out of the way for easy access. This case helps ensure your calculator is safe and secure.

Fits Calculator Models: 4050, 4056, 4067, 4088, 4225, 4325, 4400, 5070, 8025, 8030

Color: Lime Green

[+] Reviews
Overall Rating Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
5 out of 5 
User Reviews
EXCELLENT 5 out of 5.0
User Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Protects my investment AND easy to find 5 out of 5.0
User: , Journeyman Sheet Metal worker from La Crosse, WI
User Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this to replace my aging 9 year old armadillo cover. The rubbery part was starting to harden up a little and I had broken a corner off the cover. Not bad for being sloshed around inside of a sheet metal worker's toolbox for the majority of a decade! The new cover came with an inner label that had quick key notes helpful to a concrete mason, and a different separate sticker for calculating interest. I inquired about a sticker like the one in my first case and customer service was great and emailed me a perfectly scaled printable pdf file of what I needed. Super cool.

case 5 out of 5.0
User: from jacksonville florida
User Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

5 out of 5.0
User: of beauchamp construction from pocomoke, maryland
User Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
very satisifed with this product

product review 5 out of 5.0
User: , Construction Superviser of Bay Ltd. from Corpus Christi, Texa
User Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love it! I put it on all my calculators and can't tell you how many times I've dropped or banged it off our platforms. Opened it, and the calculator is unscratched.

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